User management is the method employed to create and maintain your userbase. It is a solution designed to manage multiple users under the same management system. It is a technique used to give access to, authorize, control and maintain user profiles under a particular network. User management is employed by companies to authenticate the users accessing data and also control their movements. It is necessary to protect the company’s network and data from malicious activities.
As more and more companies have switched to wireless networks and cloud technologies, user management has become very important.Companies have started using wireless services because of its economical nature. Through WSMP, user management is made easy and more effective. Each user has a unique id for authentication purposes. Authorization grants userspermissions to access the network. User authentication allows the company to monitor the user interface and control their activities.
Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology which allows you to access high-speed internet and build networks in your local area. This technology is also useful to manage the users under your network. Wi-Fi Service Management Platform is a management software platform which provides the network authorizers the tools required to control, operate and manage users under a common Wi-Fi network in a professional workspace. The company first authorizes the users, then authenticates their ids and manages their activities. Each user enters the network uniquely. It is a very important practice for companies to protect their data from outside dangerous users who can steal or misuse their data and hamper their network connections. It also makes it possible for roles to be assigned to each device and user and also control their activities. Managing access, roles and permissions of users is the main function of user management.
Nowadays most of the important data of companies is saved on and passed through cloud communication systems. Since all of this data is available on the cloud, it is important to ensure its safety. One of the best ways to do this is through user management. User management allows and maintains only authenticated users in the network, thus making sure that only genuine users can access the information. But in case of malicious activities, user management can be used to regulate their activities. For any company who has gone digital with their data, user management has become their best friend.
WSMP uses multiple authentication methods according to the company’s unique need. This method is very useful in hotels, restaurants, libraries and educational institutions alongside corporate workspaces.
User management through Wi-Fi Service Management Platform (WSMP) makes it easier for the company to provide better network services to its users. It also ensures safety of the users. Users nowadays have applications and various IT resources which makes them a potential threat to the company’s network. This is why companies need to utilise preventive measures like user management through WSMP. WSMP is economical and easy to employ as it is a cloud based service. It can easily adapt to and improve a company’s Wi-Fi system experience. It is best suited for digital companies as well as companies who are newly going digital. WSMP keeps the Wi-Fi network secure and in great condition.